As we were making our way to Miami, we were still a world away in the beautiful emerald waters of Biscayne National Park, which preserves Biscayne Bay and its offshore barrier reefs. 95% of the park is water and the shoreline is an extensive mangrove forest. Elliott Key is the largest island and is formed from a coral reef. The vast shallow water preserve has quite a history of pirates, shipwrecks, fishing, sailing and pineapple farming.
Two days and nights at anchor were spent at peaceful and secluded locations within the Park, where we experienced mild tropical weather, dramatic sunsets, dark star-filled evenings and more swimming than at any other time on our trip combined. I took advantage of the clear water to spend more time under the boat doing some cleaning of the bottom and running gear, which strangely enough, I find relaxing and fun. The absence of crowds and any development in the Park was quite a contrast to what we were about to encounter in the coming days.
As we cruised into Miami Harbor, auto-pilot was no longer an option. It was a busy place, to say the least!
Adding to the excitement, was an inter-collegiante sailing regatta taking place in the middle of the harbor with what appeared to be at least 200 small sailboats flying about, all of which had the right-of-way. We also passed Stiltsville, which is the remainder of an eclectic group of houses first built over the water by squatters between the 30’s and 60’s. The buildings have a very colorful past, hosting fishing, drinking, social clubs for Miamians and gambling during the prohibition years. Due to several hurricanes and natural decay from exposure, only 7 of the structures still exist and are being preserved as part of the national park’s heritage.
From Miami to Boca-Raton, we traveled up the Intracoastal Waterway. It was quite a contrast to our passage through the remote Biscayne Bay, but was beautiful and awesome in its own way. The waterway, bridges, homes, landscaping and yachts were more than the eye could take in. Only the photos that we have included below can begin to describe what we experienced when cruising through this part of the country!
- Dolphins hear our engines and quickly come to play!
- All smiles as they take advantage of the push that they get riding our wake
- Mama teaching baby how to get an aerobic workout
- Typical crab boat checking traps for stone crabs
- After being on a mooring ball for a couple of months, it’s good to be moving again!
- Getting ready to set our anchor at this little piece of paradise at Elliott Key….beach included.
- We thought we were going to be alone, but this boat snuck in behind us.
- She has been looking forward to being in water like this since we left home last April!
- Clear emerald waters of Biscayne National Park
- Gosh, I would much rather be fishing through a hole in the ice up on Lake Michigan…….NOT!
- Multi-tasking is newly defined by fishing and grilling on the back deck at the same time
- No fish, but corn and asparagus will make my hair grow back….so my wife tells me.
- Sun setting over Biscayne Bay
- Bright moon rising on the opposite horizon
- Miami faintly appearing on the horizon
- Estrellita cutting through a sailing regatta as we enter Miami from Biscayne Bay
- Similar to our dramatic approaches to New York City and Chicago, but warm enough to be in bathing suits!
- Passing a few of the remaining structures preserved in Stiltsville
- Suddenly feeling very small
- Normal traffic in colorful Miami Harbor
- Classic Miami style condo living
- Quite a contrast of white architecture against a brilliant blue sky
- I wanted to put my helicopter on the back of the Estrellita, but then there wouldn’t be enough room for our bikes
- “Over the top” yachts all along the ICW
- Many of the bridges have a 21 foot clearance at the center. We need 20′ minimum to clear, so we catch ourselves slumping in our seats when we pass under….like that’s really going to help!
- ….or we just politely ask for an opening
- Approaching Boca Raton Lake and the well-known Boca Raton Resort
- Hey Mom, we are anchored in the harbor of Boca Raton Resort, where you and Dad spent your honeymoon in 1950!